100 days of code

Some links have been stripped from this article due to age and inaccessibility.

I came across a post on medium entitled “Join the #100DaysOfCode” [medium.com]. I love the idea, although given my health and the fact I have a life, I’ve decided to adapt it to my circumstances. I have committed to coding 100 hours of code over the next 100 days.

I will publish any and all code I produce on a relevant repo on my github [github.com] and bitbucket [bitbucket.org] accounts, as well as a summary tweet/blog post as I see fit. My first project is upgrading a module I’ve found on Drupal.org called Medium_publish [Drupal.org]. Whilst awaiting the module maintainer to review and/or grant me co-maintainer status, I’ve published a copy on github. [github.com]

After that project there will be a major redesign of davidthorne.net including structure. Code projects will include:

  • The theme (Based off Zurb Foundation [foundation.com], maybe Material Design [google.com])
  • A migration module to migrate my blog content from this site to the new one (Still Drupal 8)

Comments appreciated as always

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