Davidthorne.net :: Drupal 8 upgrade

Some links have been stripped from this article due to age and inaccessibility. Well the time has come for me to trial Drupal 8. I’m wanting to upgrade “early” as due to work pressures I probably won’t have massive amoutns of time to do so in the near future otherwise. My initial aim is to do a direct upgrade from Drupal 7 to Drupal 8 “As is” (Including sticking with Bartik as my default theme). [Read More]

Updates and Certifications

Links have been stripped from this article due to age and inaccessibility. So much time has passed (Well over a year in fact!), so I thought I would update the world with yet another promise to “blog more” (Which I’ll probably fail at) and also with what I have been doing. First and foremost (From a working perspective), I’ve started working at Ware Anthony Rust [war.uk.com] as a Drupal Developer way back in May 2014. [Read More]